I did a mini-interview with one more band that's on Thursday's schedule - Hands Down Eugene. Jeremy Ferguson of Battle Tapes Recording actually answered the questions I sent his way - he's the band's producer and received "authorization" to do the interview - and the result is "hands down" (that's awful of me, I know) the best set of answers I received while doing this project. A lengthy read, for sure - but one that pretty much needs no further introduction.
"The Mountain" (from White Stone)
"Soft Speeches" (from Black Witch)
Can we kick things off with the Hands Down Eugene story? How long has the band been around, how did you get started, and since I know the roster has shifted a bit - who's in the current lineup?
matt moody came to nashville under a few strange circumstances that the rest of the group has yet to wrestle out of him completely... we know that he left a wealthy wife, heiress to some sort of Idaho industrial family, what came west after the rush of 1875. a strange time, but who's to say departure isn't someone's best move? moody may not have had their blood but he understood it better than his wife ever could and so he grabbed their mexican witchdoctor, mandy, moved to nashville, and made her his bride.
the whole experience found him selling off his guitar, picking up a bass, and forming a band "to sound like that irish black guy from thin lizzy... phil something..." lucky for him, andy willhite, andy snyder, betsy snyder, and brandes holcomb were drunk enough to try and "be sorta irish". when they sobered up and matt gave up on the twin leads of fire, the band was broken down into pieces to record the hands down eugene debut masterpiece, "madison" (xoxo records). but then the label dropped the ball (when does that ever happen?) and a few people in murfreesboro, alabama liked it but no one else even knew what a hands down eugene was. how could they? the label dropped the ball!!
after madison went triple grande (10 records sold or given away), moody smashed the hands down machine into a million pieces, expelling onto the earth such a horrible breath that even the trees refused to turn it back into earth life. it was really bad. people left the band, we all know that people left the band, and man, it was like that movie, mr mom, where dude's like playing the woman at home and making grilled cheeses with fucking irons and shit. it was bad! but matt martin joined on drums, (andy and betsy had a baby and had to quit the group cos moody hates babies) and then those other carter admin dudes joined but man, what a bunch ofdicks! it was all "hey, if this were OUR song, we'd put this real sweet blah blah". it was bullshit. FIIIRED. andy became a double agent on all things C.A. and so we kept him on. i (the author) would sometimes shake shit at shows or shake my ass. it was a goddamn embarrassment for everyone.
sometime in there we did this thing, starting a new record... it was going to be a few different things but then we just said "SCREW THIS CRAP" and put it into 2 different ep's. one was called white stone... it's most of the stuff done live after madison. it sounds like that group of dudes playing the songs. it's pretty hip, got some good tunes. the other side is black witch. it's a little more piano based or just a bit weirder with 3 or 4 songs being the last songs recorded for what we thought would be LP2. then grand palace said "hey we want to put out your record!" and we said "cool". they said "vinyl!" we said "each side; an ep." so, that will come out someday. was supposed to come out in june but you know how that goes. but you can download it for free on the internet if you google "free beards sexy hands down download" or "free".
then we started doing a new record and more changes and now it's MATT MOODY (vocals, bass), ANDY WILLHITE (organ, guitar, vocals), MATT MARTIN (drums, cymbals), JERRY CAMPBELL (guitar, vocals), JEREMY FERGUSON (percussion, beardless).
AND THEN WE ALL DIED. in the future.?
Please describe your music in five words or less.
songs about smoking weed, man.
pretty cool r&b bass, moody.
holy shit, badass mother bleeep
You guys recently finished up a new album - what can you tell us about it?
oh shit, i said about that earlier... can i please refer you to item 1 about the history of the group and also the problems with making records?
the new new album is almost done but the eps were done over a year ago. those are pretty awesome. better than madison, maybe. the new new stuff is better than anything. ever. seriously.
What do you think is the greatest thing happening in Nashville right now (music-wise, of course)?
there are so many awesome bands and people, you know? all the gossipy, petty bullshit aside, having this many people who can actually play and write songs together in such a small place with such access to make amazing records.... how can anyone dislike that?
nashville might be a country music city but country music started off as the strange hillbilly music and records like blonde on blonde were made here! this is a city for musical adventure, especially considering the talent. some of the groups playing and making records now are hopefully showing that to everyone else.
What can we expect from your show at Next Big Nashville?
we're gonna be pretty damn awesome... we have to be, look at the groups we're following! we'll be playing some oldies from madison, a sampling of the white stone and black witch ep's, and a few new new songs that will make your neck twitch a little. try closing your eyes and listening to the organ and the bass. it'll be pretty sweet. i'll have my eyes closed up there too.
What other bands would you recommend checking out at the festival?
well, outside of all the other groups playing the grand palace showcase, pretty much any local act you'd want to see will be playing somewhere. there are too many favorites to name, really... it's cool cos i'm playing so i'll have this little pass but half the groups i want to see are playing the same times, opposite each other, or too close together, at two different venues, to go see both... so some hard decisions will have to be made. the absolute definite show to see, at least for me, will be ours, cos i will be playing it, with my friends.
Hands Down Eugene will be playing Next Big Nashville on Thursday,
September 11 at 11:45 p.m. at The End. Visit http://nbn08.sched.org to view the full festival schedule, or create an account to plan and share your own schedule.
Check out more of Out the Other's Guide to Next Big Nashville 2008.
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