The year is flying by, and I barely noticed that it's almost April, let alone that yesterday was March 26, which was the second anniversary of me starting this blog. I still can't really believe everything that's happened over the past two years as a direct result of this website - the great friends I've made, the incredible shows I've seen, the amazing music I've been fortunate enough to hear. The last year in particular has been insane - I never would have made it to SXSW and had such a ridiculously good time without Out the Other, nor would I have been on TV in Austin last fall at ACL, and I still can't believe the Nashville Scene recognized me back in October's "Best of Nashville" issue. I'm actually still a little shocked every time I meet someone who has heard of the site, which I never thought would be more than an extension of my radio show on WRVU and a fun way to share music with my friends (and keep from being bored out of my mind after having my tonsils removed).
So before I get all weepy on my lunch break, I just thought I'd say thanks to everyone who has visited Out the Other over the past two years. I apologize for the rambling, the occasional typos, the complete lack of descriptive abilities and occasional lapses in regular posting. I hope that at some point you've found something fantastic to listen to that you might not have heard otherwise, because that's the whole reason I'm here. And I'd love it if you ever want to send recommendations my way - via comments or email. Cause if you're here, I'm guessing we have the same kick-ass taste in music.
So here's to two more years (and the MSTRKRFT giveaway I'll be posting later tonight):
kick ass
Posted by: sergei | Wednesday, March 28, 2007 at 07:37 PM